Have you heard about Feng Shui? Today, Boca do Lobo Blog bring 6 tips for Feng Shui your exquisite Master Bedroom! Keep reading this to learn how to harmonize and improve your energy and ambience.
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What is Feng Shui?
“Feng” means wind and “Shui” means water. This ancient Chinese philosophy and science believe that the ambience where we live could modify our destiny and how we feel. Using the 5 Chinese elements – fire, earth, brass, water and wood, Feng Shui identifies the conditions of your space and how they affect the “Chi” vital energies.
Why is Feng Shui Important?
Feng Shui it’s not only setting up your home, it’s also a form of self-help and motivation to have the life you want to have. If you feel comfortable in the way you perceive the environment of your bedroom, you can also perceive your feelings in a different way and change how to behave.
Transforming the energy in the room will help you align your thoughts, and actions and shift or turn around your internal energy. This way, you can look at your life in a different way feeling more safe, calm, more peaceful, supportive and a powerful person that controls your own life.
What Are The Rules Of A Feng Shui Bedroom?
When we talk about styling a bedroom with the principles of Feng Shui, there are a few things you have to consider.
1) Keep A Harmonious Relationship With Balance Around The Bed
It’s essential to have a bedside table with a lamp on each side of the bed. Why? If you didn’t, you can give the wrong impression that another person isn’t welcome in the bedroom and you are unavailable to have new relationships.
2) Your Bedroom it’s a cocoon? If it’s not, turn it into one
Do you feel warm, cosy and protected in your bedroom? It’s time to feel like this, you can’t feel stress or worries inside this room. Idilicly, a rug under the bed, soft linens with good quality, thick draperies and a wood or fabric bed. Create your own atmosphere where no one can bother you.
3) Don’t Sleep Under A Beam
This can be awkward to read at first sight, but sleeping under a beam can break the smooth flow of energy overhead and aggravate existing health issues.
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4) Avoid Electronics In Your Bedroom
We can agree on something, right? The outside world can make us feel stressed, so it’s important to avoid office setups like computers, monitors, TV and limit the use of other electronics such as phones. Did you know that the use of your phone can disturb your common sleep?
5) Don’t Let Anything Under Your Bed
Feng Shui allows you to welcome new things to enter your life if you clean under your bed, put your things away and organize your wardrobe. This way, new people and new opportunities will come.
6) Do You Want A Mirror Facing The Bed? Wrong!
They can create bad energies because they bounce the energy around the Bedroom. This way, you can feel restless and this can amplify any worries you may have.