Robert Stilin is one of the best interior designers in New York. Stilin has lived his passion since 1989 and he has carried a legacy of relaxed yet refined creations which have an intricate layered design. His work is an ode to contemporary design and his design projects are places to be truly admired and enjoyed.

The New York-based interior designer prioritizes comfort, texture and personality, key elements to create a great layered design inspiration. His easygoing attitude towards design is perceptible in the spaces he creates, spaces that are both casual and elegant. Vintage and contemporary furnishings go hand in hand in Stilin’s highly curated designs, designer furniture meets works of art in the most harmonious of ways, as if they were created to be together.

His own SoHo Loft is the perfect embodiment of his design motto. Stilin’s New York Loft is a layered and highly curated space with tons of visual interest, from bespoke furniture to contemporary art, the luxurious apartment is a great design inspiration. Robert believes in the importance of having meaningful interiors, interiors which connect with the people who live in them. His own New York Loft is the prove of that love for an individualized design:

“Everything is meaningful, everything is something, even if I don’t know precisely who made it.”
Robert Stilin to AD
This design project is the perfect example of how a great customized approach might just be the right way to go. Robert didn’t do much to the interior architecture of the place, it had good bones, instead, the designer carefully chose great furniture pieces and used much of his artwork.
“I didn’t do much to the interior architecture. I just let the art and the furnishings, with all their sculptural quality, do the talking”
Robert Stilin to AD
Lapiaz Tiles Console

Robert Stilin has a great aesthetic vision as he is able to combine unlikely elements in the most harmonious of ways. Mid-century and contemporary design are extremely synergetic in his design projects and one can sense that these spaces are meant to be lived. Robert Stilin creates spaces with character, spaces with personality, spaces to be loved.
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