Boca do Lobo’s Top Inspiring Pinterest Boards for Design Enthusiasts

Many design enthusiasts and professionals resort to Pinterest as a highly useful, day-to-day tool, to gather and group influential images, or references for projects, in inspiring pinterest boards. Truth be told, it is an incredibly complete platform, with a wide selection of high quality images that cover vast topics – from info-graphics, to product design, architecture and interiors.

Pinterest is in its core essence a social-media platform, rather than a tool, and ultimately a channel where users share their interests through a highly visual medium. So, another bonus for the design enthusiast of any background or interest, seeing as “mere mortals” could follow the likes of industry gods such as Jessica Walsh or even our very own, Marco Costa.

See also: Take a Look at Our Favourite Instagram Accounts

Inspiring Pinterest Boards

Without further ado, a proper list of boards to follow, with daily pins update by our designers and marketers, that are on the innovative edge of Pinterest content, and that mirror the tastes and inspirations of the brand.

Luxury Homes

luxury homes and interiors

In complete honesty, the Luxury Homes board serves as a reference for houses in which we envision our products to be placed in, even at a very early design stage. As Boca do Lobo grows, we have had the chance to work with incredibly talented interior designers and architects, and contribute towards creating stunning homes as found on the board. This is a board with daily updates, so give it a follow for a chance of daily bewilderment.

Contemporary Decor

Inspiring Pinterest Boards

Boca do Lobo’s Contemporary Decor board goes completely hand in hand with the board above. Now, despite the fact that many of the scenarios in both boards are similar, this group allows for the sharing of more experimental projects and interiors, beyond private housing, or the “standard” notion of luxury. Here, we can get a little more wild with image selection.

See also: Design Inspirations for a Luxury Dining Room Experience

Limited Edition Furniture

Inspiring Pinterest Boards

Inspiring Pinterest Boards

The Limited Edition Furniture board stores many direct references and inspirations to the brand. A compilation of great work in terms of design, craftsmanship/manufacturing and often, marketing, this board stores hidden gems, both in terms of antiques or cutting edge furniture pieces.

Behind the Scenes

Inspiring Pinterest Boards

Ok, so this board may have been a biased pick, seeing as it really only includes content directly related to Boca do Lobo, but one can’t miss out on the chance to share such a fantastic compilation of images packed into one handy online folder. Some images offer a rare glimspe into the reality that goes on behind the curtain.

Design Agenda

Inspiring Pinterest Boards

The Design Agenda board is updated sporadically, or more specifically, a couple of days prior and after important design events followed by the brand. It serves as a great database of images and references that mark these events, year in year out. It is worth following to stay up-to-date with the latest hot pieces on the market, or industry trends.


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