A designer’s genius lies in their ability to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary. Tatyana Mironova, a renowned architect and interior designer, masterfully embodies this skill. Her latest masterpiece, a country house in Moscow, Russia, is a living testimony to this talent, an interior celebration full of joy, color harmony, and unexpected contrasts. Within this beautiful interior, Mironova‘s vision unfolds, captivating visitors with its blend of opulence and lightness.
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Harmony in Contrast
At the heart of this project, we find an enchanting fusion between the traditional and the modern, a feat masterfully achieved by the careful selection of bespoke furniture. Tatyana Mironova relied on the experience of Boca do Lobo and Koket to create a perfect synergy between these two worlds, resulting in a space that exudes opulence and sophistication.
The house spread over 2,000 square meters and four floors, is a visual odyssey from the moment you set foot in the entrance. The Boca do Lobo‘s Fortuna Round Dining Table, a masterpiece in gilded brass with intricate details, serves as a prelude to the extravagance that awaits inside.
Opulent lightness
Despite the grandeur of the space, a sense of lightness permeates the entire environment. Like a kaleidoscope, every corner reveals a new vision of splendor, with brilliant interactions of light, mirrors, and vibrant colors, from soft lilac to emerald green and bold gold. This feeling lingers in every corner of the house, especially in the entrance hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and entertainment area in the basement.
Attention to detail
Mironova is a master of the art of creating visual harmony. For her, every element must be meticulously designed and executed to convey a sense of perfection. Using a variety of decorative techniques, from intricate designs on the floor to unique light fixtures, she incorporates Chinese and Oriental motifs, complemented by generous touches of gold.
A Cohesive Color Palette
Color plays a central role in this visual spectacle. Light-toned walls serve as a canvas for the cohesive integration of lilac and green tones, unifying the entire space. The architecture and layout of the house have been meticulously planned to accommodate a variety of family scenarios, from the main living areas to the guest accommodations
Captivating Contrasts
Mironova’s projects are rooted in contrast, a theme that permeates every nuance of design. For her, contrast adds depth and interest, reflecting the very essence of life. In this space, life flourishes amid the contrasts, making it captivating and engaging in every way.
Tatyana Mironova‘s country house is more than a physical space. It is an emotional journey, a world of sensations and experiences meticulously created to awaken the human spirit. Each piece of furniture from Boca do Lobo is an expression of this quest for excellence, an ode to design and art that transcends the limits of the ordinary.
Upon entering this sublime space, we are invited to embark on a unique journey, where modern luxury meets tradition, and contrast is transformed into harmony. This is the world of Tatyana Mironova, where the extraordinary becomes everyday, and beauty is elevated to a state of art.