Both Boca do Lobo and LUXXU partnered with Nada Shehab, a renowned Cairene interior designer, to bring forth this majestic villa situated in the heart of Sharjah. Knowing this emirate is committed to preserving and restoring its heritage, our mission was to bring forth a design that would symbolize the revitalization of the district, making it vibrant by uncovering its glorious past. When you think of placing your house in a place where it brims with culture and archaeological discovery, it’s only fair to make your decor match it. And this is how the Majestic Villa in Sharjah was born. The perfect culmination of both the modern and classic styles that were carefully put together to best represent everything Sharjah has to offer, from the historic aficionados all the way to the more adventurous spirits. You’ll be mesmerized by how this unique decor is full of little easter eggs to explore alongside the exclusive masterpieces featured by both the Boca do Lobo and LUXXU brands that will not fail to impress with their state-of-art designs while retaining the best of classics.